Current Conditions
Night time/Dry/Overcast | 06:58 | ||
16:33 |
Davis VP2 Forecast:- partly cloudy with little temp change.
Temperature | 10.7 °C | 10.8
°C at 00:52
10.7 °C at 00:03 |
+0.1 °C /hr | ||||
Humidity | 91 % | 91
% at 00:00
90 % at 00:05 |
0 % /hr | ||||
Pressure | 1028.7 hPa | 1029.0
hPa at 01:12
1028.7 hPa at 01:45 |
/hr Steady |
Wind | 0.0 mph E | Last hour: 2 mph E
Max day: 3.5 mph E |
0 Bft |
Rain - | 0.0 mm | 4
day(s) without measurable rain Month Rain: 0.0 mm |
mm /hr 0.0 mm /3 hr |
Solar radiation | 0 W/m2 (0% of max) | High Solar: 0 W/m2 at 00:00 | |||||
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Sandhurst Weather is located in Sandhurst, Berkshire, UK. Our location is at 51° 21' 08" N : 0° 46' 26" W and we are 83m above sea level. The site was established in October 2006 and runs continuously. The Home and Live Weather pages are updated about every 20 seconds, the rest of the site is updated every 10 minutes. For more information about the site, click on the About Us link in the Site Menu. To view our live mobile site, go to Our Live Mobile Site, optimised for mobile phone and tablet browsers. |